
  • Nutritional share recommendations in infants and children Nicolae Miu, Lucian Fodor , Marius FodorTherapeutics and Clinical Toxicology. Vol I/nr.2;1997.
  • Reconstruction of popliteal artery with posterior tibial venous graft for posttraumatic arteriovenous fistula (AVF). Case presentation.”
    C. Ciuce, M. Fodor, Al. Slabâi, Al. Hagau , Dana Pintea, D. Mircioiu. Romanian Journal of Angiology and Vascular Surgery vol.1, nr.2 ,december 1999, pg. 70-72
  • “Free Tissue Transfers In Children”
    C. Ciuce, F. Seddiq , S. Hamid, G. Dindelegan, I. Vlad, N.Hagau, M. FodorRomanian Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, vol. 3 , no. 1 , june 1998 ,pg 23- 25.
  • “ New Trends in Salvage of Limbs With Critical Ischaemia. Nutrient Flaps”. C.Ciuce, A. Andercou, F.Seddiq, A.Iancu, M.Tudoran, Dana Demco, D. Mircioiu, Dana Pintea, M. Fodor . Romanian Journal of Angiology and Vascular Surgery vol.I no.1,1999, pg. 8-10.
  • ”Hemifacial reconstruction after the malignant nerve sheath resection. Case presentation”. C. Ciuce, M. Fodor, D. Constantinescu, Oana Grosu, Dana Demco, L. Lung, L. Teofil, O. Muresan, Magda Petrescu. Romanian Journal of Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery. Vol.7 III- IV/2002, pg. 57-62.
  • ”Omental Free- Tissue Transfer: Indications and Results from Personal Experience” . C. Ciuce, F. Seddiq, M. Fodor, D. Constantinescu, M. Todoran, A. Andercou, Dana Demco. Microsurgery , vol.23, no. 3, 2003, pg. 198-205.
  • ”Aortoureteric fistula after aortofemoral bypass complicated by prosthesis infection. Case report.” A. Mironiuc, M. Fodor, Adriana Albu , A. Oprea,  A. Eni, Daniela Branzan, Dana Demco. Timisoara Medical Journal, October- December, 2004, vol. 54 ,no.4, pg.366- 369.
  • The organic and functional arterial pathology of the upper limb. Retrospective clinical study in the second surgical clinic, Cluj- Napoca. “ Fodor M., Ciuce C., Eni A., Aschilian M., Opris R., Andercou A. Romanian Journal of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. 2005; 7(1-2):10-13.
  • Thoracic outlet abnormalities in the fetuses. An anatomic study.” Fodor M., Petrescu M., Andercou A. Romanian Journal of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. 2005;7(3-4):71-74.
  • The role of distal arterial bypass in the treatment of critical ischemia of the lower limb: surgical indications and strategy” M. Fodor, A. Biro, D. Gonganau, C. Ciuce.  Romanian Journal of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. 2007; 8(1-2): 20-25.
  • “Simultaneous Extra-anatomic Bypass and Abdominal “Flag Flap” for Lower Limb Salvage in a Patient with Severe Post-Bypass Anastomotic Groin Infection”M. Fodor, L. Fodor, C. Ciuce. Acta Chir Belg, 2008, 108, 738-740
  • Different models of training and certification in plastic surgery”. Fodor L, Ciuce C, Fodor M, Shrank C, Lapid O, Kon M, Ramon Y, Ullmann Y. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2009 Sep-Oct;104(5):519-24.
  • Gastroduodenal Artery Pseudoaneurysm Ruptured in the Common Bile Duct”. M. Fodor, L. Fodor, C. Ciuce. Acta Chir Belg, 2010, 110, 103-105.
  • “Severe compartment syndrome following fibula harvesting for mandible reconstruction”. Article in press.
  • Carte – “Hernii diafragmatice” M.Fodor, in Chirurgia , Editura Universitara , 2009 sub redactia Prof. Dr. A. Andercou.



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