Endoscopic treatment

What is endoscopic treatment?

Treating varicose veins with the use of endoscopy involves approaching the veins with an endoscope through a very small incision. By this treatment method problematic veins in the foot will be closed and eliminated. The surgeon uses a tiny camera at the end of a thin tube to move through the vein. A surgical device at the end of the camera is used to close the vein.

Instructions for the endoscopic treatment of varicose veins

This treatment method is perfectly suitable for any type of varicose vein, but is especially recommended for large veins and severe vascular diseases such as varicose ulcer. This treatment method is recommended for people who suffer from severe nutrition maladies.

In the case of pregnant women it is recommended to consider this type of treatment only after having waited for a period of 6 weeks following childbirth. The varicose veins that appear during pregnancy will most likely fade on their own.

This treatment method is recommended for people who are not able to resolve the issues concerning their varices through prophylactic techniques and by implementing a balanced lifestyle, yet they are willing to try other treatment methods apart from sclerotherapy or laser surgery.

The endoscopic treatment procedure

A special minuscule video camera is introduced through a small opening into the problematic vein right up to the spot which will be treated. The endoscope is a small optical device with a camera attached, which is perfect for observing all vascular anomalies and eliminating the affected veins with high accuracy. Following the identification of the problematic area, the varicose vein will be closed and separated from the surrounding tissues. Finally it will be eliminated by applying small incisions.

This treatment method is able to eliminate all branches of the varicose vein.

The procedure is done under epidural, spinal or general anesthesia.

Advantages of the procedure

  • This procedure can be applied for treating severe vascular diseases such as varicose ulcers.
  • This treatment method is able to eliminate all branches of the varicose vein.
  • The use of the camera provides the surgeon with the possibility to visualize the problematic areas with a high degree of precision and accuracy.
  • Side-effects and complications during and after this procedure are very rare.

Post-op recovery

After the endoscopic intervention has been made, a compression bandage has to be applied to the affected area for a few days. The number of days this is necessary to avoid subsequent hemorrhages is defined by the complexity of each separate case. To relieve any sensations of pain, medication such as ibuprofen and paracetamol can be applied. Recovery time differs from patient to patient varying based on the type and severity of the cases. Recovery time is prolonged if the intervention was done on both limbs.

During the recovery process it is recommended that the patient avoid intense physical effort and lifting weights for several weeks. During the first few weeks after the surgery the patient should avoid standing for long periods. To avoid swelling of the feet and reducing pressure on the wound, these should be kept in front of the hips while sitting. 



    *Informațiile prezentate pe pagină au caracter orientativ. Rezultatele intervențiilor variază de la o persoană la alta în funcție de sex, vârstă, condiția fizică etc. Veți primi o explicație detaliată, personalizată, privind beneficiile și riscurile intervenției în urma consultației cu Dr. Marius Fodor.