Treating hemorrhoids with cryotherapy
What is the cryotherapy method, and when is its use recommended?
The cryotherapy method aims to dry out hemorrhoids through obliteration or by closing the hemorrhoidal plexus, which provides blood flow to the hemorrhoid. Cryotherapy means eliminating the hemorrhoids through freezing them. It is a method used both for internal as well as external hemorrhoidal formations.
The procedure of treating hemorrhoids through the method of cryotherapy
Treating hemorrhoids with cryotherapy is a procedure which can be applied on outpatients in conjunction with a local anesthetic.
The procedure involves a metal tube, which is supplied from a canister of nitrous oxide. The process of gas flowing through the interior of the tube will result in lowering the temperature of the metal to -90 degrees Celsius. Using maximum visual oversight, the metal tube will be applied directly to the surface of the hemorrhoid and cooled gradually. The extremely low temperature will close up or obliterate all the small veins. Usually during any particular session a number of about two hemorrhoidal elements can be obliterated.
After going through the cryotherapy procedure the patient may feel a false sense of a need to defecate. This feeling caused by the intervention lasts for a mere few minutes and appears in conjunction with intestinal spasms. These sensations will yield rapidly, and all subsequent stools will be pain-free. The patient will be able to carry on his/her regular life immediately after completing the intervention.
A complete hemorrhoid treatment will require about 2-3 sessions within a timespan of one month.
The advantages of the steam method in treating hemorrhoids
- The method is minimally invasive and the duration of the cryotherapy intervention is very short.
- Feelings of discomfort and pain are very seldom as opposed to those caused by traditional surgical methods.
- Applying the cold surface directly to the hemorrhoid will result in calming the unpleasant sensation of pain, swelling and itching.
- The risk of side-effects and complications is almost entirely non-existent.
- The procedure does not affect the functioning of the sphincter.
- The patient does not require hospitalization after the intervention.
Postoperative period and recovery after the surgery
The patient does not require hospitalization after the intervention and may carry on his/her daily activities immediately after the procedure.
In order to prevent the onset of sensations of pain and discomfort, a number of specific medicinal drugs will be prescribed. The medication will be jointly applied with a venotonic treatment in order to reduce the pressure in the area of the intervention.
It is recommended that the patient take sitting baths in chamomile tea in conjunction with venotonics, suppositories, anti-inflammatory medicine or creams.
Having a well-balanced diet contributes to preventing constipation in a natural way. The use of laxatives should be avoided.
The essential rule for avoiding the disease and subsequent treatment is to eliminate the risk factors as far as possible. Yet if any symptoms should appear, a consult with a specialized doctor is paramount.